About us
Our Purpose
Promote the personal acceptance of Jesus The Christ as Lord and Saviour.
Serve the spiritual needs of all people.
Teach and practice the doctrines/precepts of the Holy Bible.
Conduct religious worships, revivals, dedications, ordinations, consecrations and ministries for the promotion of the evangelical and missionary work of the Church as directed by the New Testament in extending the Kingdom of God at home and abroad.
Bind ourselves together in Christian love as baptized Believers.
Govern ourselves in worship and in service to humanity according to The Holy Spirit’s direction.
Assist in the relief of the needy, comfort of the sick, shut-in and bereaved, aid of the distressed and promote the betterment of the community in which she labors and serves.
Promote a feeling of goodwill and fellowship among the members.
Carry out the Five-Fold Platforms of religion: Worship, Missions, Evangelism, Discipleship and Fellowship.
Rev. Nolan M Doby
Mrs. Alberta F. Doby
First Lady
Min. Leroy Glover
Deacon Oliver King Sr.
Deacon Earl Jones
Vice Chairman
Deaconess Mary Famularo
Missionary Josephine Thomas
Mother Evelyn Waiters
Trustee Paul Garnes
Trustee Gloria Cousar
Trustee Jessie Bell
Asst. Treasurer
Trustee Rose Gamble
Deaconess Donna Renee Middlebrooks
Financial Secretary
Deaconess Cynthia Waiters
Trustee Jessie Bell
Administrative Asst.
Sunday School Superintendent
Sister Nancy Bolden
Sister Willie Mae Johnson
Trustee Frank Tucker
Pastor's Aid Directress
Nurses Directress
Ushers Director
Dr. Shirley Hall
Sr. Outreach Directress