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Gospel Imperatives

Gospel Imperative #01:
If you count yourself among true Believers, then you must believe in all of The Father’s Word, the Holy Bible in its completeness, entirety, inerrancy and literalness as the authoritative command for the life that The Father has loaned you for just a little while. None of the Holy Bible – not one jot nor one tittle - should ever be replaced or edited by your personal beliefs, your personal reasoning, persuasion by family and friends, rationalized political agenda or scientific postulate. For God you live and by God you shall surely die!
Gospel Imperative #02:
I pledge in the sight and hearing of The Holy Trinity and angels that my membership in and at this Church is an outward show of my inner willingness and desire to be spiritually lead by the Pastor and leaders according to the precepts and principles of the Holy Protestant Bible and define myself as a Pre-Millennialist with a futuristic view of religion as described by Rev Dr Clarence Larkin in his book, Dispensational Truth First Edition.
Gospel Imperative #03:
As authored by Dr Herbert Lockyer PhD, All The Doctrines of The Bible First Edition, the Bible is clear on the matter of prayers that God cannot answer. Prayers in accord with His will and for His glory are always answered. Prayers not in keeping with His Holy mind and purpose, find no significance, for “our prayers must be as clean as clean as our hearts”. Prayer goes unanswered:
When it is substituted for necessary action [Exo 14:15; Josh 7:7-15].
When it seeks to change God’s declared decrees. God cannot act contrary to Himself [Deut 3:23-27].
When it comes from an unclean heart [Ps 66:18; Lam 3:8,40-44].
When it seeks to avert deserved and necessary chastisement [2 Sam 12:16-18; 2 Cor 12:7-9].
When it totally disregards the known, revealed will of God [1 Sam 8:9-10].
When it is offered in arrogance and foolish pride [Prov 8:13].
When it is prompted by selfish, ulterior motive [Mat 6:5; James 4:2-3].
When it arises out of a heart full of ill will and hatred toward others [Mat 5:24].
When it simply expresses meaningless and repetitious phrases [Mat 6:7].
When it lacks sincerity and faith [Mat 6:5 & 7; Heb 11:6; James 1:6-7].
When it is inspired by carnal motives and not by The Holy Spirit [James 4:2-3].
When it is not accompanied by confessed, conscious sin [1 John 1:8-10].
When it seeks the recall of lost opportunities. Once doors are closed by God, it is useless to pray for their opening [Luk 13:25-28].
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